
The data controller is Costa Edutainment SpA, with registered office in Riccione (RN), Via Ascoli Piceno n. 6 and administrative office in Genoa, Ponte Spinola – Porto Antico Area, CF and VAT number 03362540100, e-mail:

What are cookies and what are the different types of cookies?
Cookies are information (small text strings) that the sites visited by the user send to the device used by the user (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user. This information allows navigation, computer authentication, collection of information on the number of visitors and how the site is used, as well as monitoring and profiling users. For the purposes here, cookies are divided into technical and profiling, depending on the function for which they are used, and into first-party and third-party cookies, depending on the subject that installs them.
Technical cookies are used for the sole purpose of "carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide such service" (see art. 122 paragraph 1 of the Privacy Code). Technical cookies are divided into navigation or session cookies (guarantee normal navigation and use of the website), analytics cookies (assimilated to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself) and functionality cookies (allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria, such as language, in order to improve the service provided to the same). The installation and use of technical cookies does not require the prior consent of the interested party.
Profiling cookies are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the internet. The informed consent of the interested party is required for the use of profiling cookies.
First-party cookies are those installed on the user's device by the same operator of the site the user is visiting.
Third-party cookies are those installed on the user's device by the manager of a site other than the one the user is visiting, which installs the cookies through the latter.
Types of cookies used by the Site
The Site uses the following cookies:
Technical session cookies. These cookies are necessary for the correct functioning of the Site and allow efficient and safe navigation. Session cookies are not stored persistently on the user's device and disappear when the browser is closed. The use of session cookies does not require the user's consent.
Third-party cookies. These cookies are sent from sites managed by third parties, which collect and use them independently. Below are the third-party cookies operating on the Site and links to the information on the relative management methods:
analytical cookies. The Site uses Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (hereinafter: “Google”), which uses cookies to analyze the behavior of use of the Site.
For the use of these cookies, measures have been adopted that reduce their identifying power ("IP address masking") and prevent the sharing of the data collected with Google. Therefore, Google Analytics cookies, pursuant to the Provision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data of 8 May 2014, n. 229, are similar to technical cookies and their use does not require the user's consent.
For more information on the privacy policy of Google Analytics, see;;
profiling cookies. The use of profiling cookies allows the creation of profiles relating to the user in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during navigation. The use of these cookies requires the user's consent.

In particular, the Site uses profiling cookies from:
Facebook: more information, also in relation to the methods with which you can deactivate said cookies, can be found at the following links and
Adwords: more information, also in relation to the methods with which to deactivate said cookies, can be found at the following link
Cookie management
Consent to the use of cookies

The use of third-party profiling cookies requires the user's consent. When accessing any page of the Site, there is a banner containing a brief information on the cookies used. By providing authorization via the banner, the user expresses his/her consent to the use of third-party cookies. Consent is only required upon first access to the Site; through a technical cookie, the user's express consent is stored, so as to allow him/her to directly access the pages of the Site during subsequent visits. The user's right to deactivate cookies at any time or to delete them remains intact. In this case, upon return, the Site will ask the user for consent again. The user can in any case modify and manage the preferences related to third-party profiling cookies by following the instructions provided by the respective managers in their own privacy policies available at the links indicated in the previous paragraph 3. Furthermore, the user can disable third-party profiling cookies by following the instructions provided by the respective managers in their own privacy policies available at the links indicated in the previous paragraph 3. For Google Analytics, the user can disable cookies by installing on his/her browser the opt-out component provided by Google, available at the following link Disabling third-party cookies does not compromise the use of the Site.
Management via browser
The user can manage cookie preferences directly within their own browser and prevent their installation. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to delete installed cookies. It is important to underline that disabling cookies may limit the possibilities of using the Site and prevent the user from fully benefiting from the features and services of the Site. Below are the instructions of the main browsers for managing cookies:
Google Chrome:;
Internet Explorer:;
Mozilla Firefox:;
Apple Safari:;
For mobile devices, please refer to the relevant instruction manuals to find out how to manage cookies.
Methods and scope of processing
The personal data collected through the Site are processed in accordance with EU Regulation no. 679/2016, Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and Legislative Decree no. 101/2018, as well as the Provision of the Privacy Guarantor of 8 May 2014, no. 229. The personal data are processed by Costa Edutainment staff, who act on the basis of specific instructions provided in relation to the purposes and methods of processing. The personal data may be communicated to: i) external parties, who perform support tasks on behalf of Costa Edutainment (e.g. legal services, IT services), in their capacity as data controllers; ii) public entities, for the fulfillment of the obligations established by law, who carry out the respective processing activities as independent controllers. The data collected using cookies will not be disclosed.
Transfer of data outside the European Union
The data collected using Facebook and Adwords cookies may be transferred by these third parties outside the European Union. For more information, please consult the relevant privacy policies available at the links indicated in the previous paragraph 3.
Data retention period
The Data Controller intends to retain personal data for a period of time no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and processed. When it is not possible to precisely determine the period of retention of personal data, the Data Controller undertakes from now to inspire the processing of personal data to the principles of adequacy, relevance and data minimization, as required by the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, periodically verifying the need for their retention. Therefore, once the purposes for which they were collected and processed have been achieved, they will remove them from their systems and registers and/or take appropriate measures to make them anonymous, so as to prevent the interested party from being identified. This, except in the case in which it is necessary to retain such data to comply with regulatory or tax obligations, or to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court.
Rights of interested parties
The subjects to whom the personal data collected through the Site refer have the right to access their personal data, to request its rectification, updating and its deletion. It is also possible to request the limitation of the processing and the portability of the data. These requests may be addressed to Costa Edutainment SpA, with registered office in Riccione (RN), Via Ascoli Piceno n. 6 and administrative office in Genoa, Ponte Spinola – Porto Antico Area, CF and VAT number 03362540100, email:
Furthermore, those who believe that the processing of their personal data carried out through the Site is in violation of the legislation on the protection of personal data have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor.
Your consent applies to the following websites:
  • logo_passeggiata
  • Regione Liguria
  • Comune di Riomaggiore
  • Parco Nazionale Cinque Terre
  • Costa edutainment