
pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679

This document contains important information about the personal data that is collected by visiting this website as a registered or unregistered user and describes how this data is used. The information must be read carefully before forwarding any type of personal information and/or filling out any electronic form on the site itself. The information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (RGDP) only for this site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via a specific link.
The information concerns the following
A) Data Controller and Joint Controller
B) Personal data collected
C) Legal basis and purpose of the processing
D) Data processing methods and retention period
E) Categories of data recipients
F) Nature - mandatory or optional - of the provision of users' personal data
G) The rights of the interested party and the methods for exercising them

A) Data Controller and Joint Controller
The Data Controller is Costa Edutainment SpA, with registered office in Riccione (RN), via Ascoli Piceno n. 6, and administrative headquarters in Genoa, Porto Antico Area – Ponte Spinola, Fiscal Code and VAT number 03362540100. The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at the email address If you believe that the processing of your data has occurred in violation of the law, you may lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.
B) Personal data collected
B.1.) Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the site acquire, during normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This is the case of IP (Internet Protocol) addresses or the domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment. This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site.
B.2) Data provided voluntarily by the user/visitor
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as other personal data included in the message which will be processed exclusively to respond to the request, or for the provision of the service. Specific summary information on privacy is reported or displayed on the pages of the site set up for particular services on request.
C) Legal basis and purpose of data processing
The legal basis on which the processing of your data is based is your consent, depending on the purposes for which it was expressed. In some cases, such as the purchase of tickets online, your lack of consent could make it impossible to provide the requested service. Except as indicated below in relation to the cookie policy, personal data will be processed by CE exclusively for the purposes related to those requested by the form filled out by the interested party and, in particular:
C.1) REGISTRATION ON THE SITE: subject to the user's consent and until its revocation, to allow registration on the site, which may be necessary for access to particular sections of the site itself and to provide and manage the various services offered (purchase and reservation of tickets, parking reservations, etc.).
C.2) NEWSLETTER AND MARKETING ACTIVITIES: subject to the user's consent and until its revocation, to carry out communication, dissemination and marketing activities (such as, by way of example but not limited to, sending the informative newsletter, material promotional and advertising and carrying out related analyzes on registered users, which allow CE E c Way Srl to improve the services and products offered to its customers);
C.3) THIRD PARTY MARKETING AND PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES: subject to the user's consent and until its revocation, to allow the data provided to be used for third party marketing and promotional activities;
D) Processing methods and storage period
The data acquired by the Data Controller are processed with lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose and storage limitation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality. The data processing will be carried out manually (using paper supports) and electronically (using IT supports), with the use of security measures aimed at guaranteeing the confidentiality of personal data and avoiding undue access by unauthorized parties. Personal data will be retained for the duration of the commercial relationship and for as long as necessary to pursue the purposes described in this Privacy Policy (for example, where the user subscribes to a newsletter, for the duration of such subscription, or where has a user account, until it is closed). After this period, the user's personal data will be stored only to comply with legal and regulatory obligations (for example, for 10 years, in the case of accounting purposes; for the duration of the mandatory conservation obligation, in the case of tax purposes ; etc.) or to allow the Company to maintain proof of their respective rights and obligations.
E) Categories of data recipients
Within the limits pertinent to the processing purposes indicated, personal data may, with adequate guarantees, be brought to the attention of public or private entities, natural or legal persons of whom the Joint Controller avails itself for the carrying out of activities instrumental to the achievement of the purposes referred to. above or to which the Joint Controllers are required to communicate personal data pursuant to legal or contractual obligations. It is specified that the personal data provided with prior authorization by users by completing online forms will not be communicated to third parties or disclosed, except in the case of inclusion on the site of the names of winners of any competitions or prize or promotional operations promoted by the Joint Controllers via the sites.
F) Nature - mandatory or optional - of the provision of users' personal data
The provision of some personal data is optional, but it is partly necessary (i.e. for those data whose boxes are marked with an asterisk) so that the Joint Controllers can satisfy the user's needs within the functionality of the sites. Failure, partial or incorrect provision of personal data marked with an asterisk, as necessary for the execution of the requested service, does not make such execution possible; while failure, partial or incorrect provision of unnecessary optional personal data does not entail any consequences. Any requests for data exceeding those necessary will be proposed separately with specifications of the processing purposes and any communications in order to allow their possible denial.
G) The rights of the interested party and the methods for exercising them
We inform you that at any time, and in the presence of the legal conditions, you will have the right to ask CE to allow you access to your personal data, the rectification or cancellation of the same, revoke the consent, as well as the limitation of the processing. You can also object to the processing and benefit from data portability by simply communicating via email below.
These rights may be exercised by email to the email address, or by writing to the address of the data controller specified above. Furthermore, if the user has consented, he/she may object to the processing for the purposes of sending digital material (newsletter, information/advertising material, etc.) carried out via the user's e-mail address by clicking on a specific “link” present in every email message.
If you believe that the processing of your data has occurred in violation of the law, you may lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.

  • logo_passeggiata
  • Regione Liguria
  • Comune di Riomaggiore
  • Parco Nazionale Cinque Terre
  • Costa edutainment