The Way of Love

The Way of Love

A Way born from the commitment and efforts of man

With cultivated terraces overlooking the sea, villages perched on the coast bathed by crystal clear waters, paths that intertwine offering breathtaking views, the Cinque Terre constitute a landscape and cultural treasure, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.

The Via dell'Amore is a pearl set on the cliffs of the magnificent Ligurian coast.

This panoramic pedestrian street, which extends between Riomaggiore and Manarola, is renowned for its high naturalistic value and its deep bond with the local inhabitants.

Closed to the public since 2012 following a landslide, the route has been the subject, since 2022, of an important complex and spectacular recovery and redevelopment project concluded in summer 2024.

Today the entire route of the Via dell'Amore is practicable in all its splendor.

Book your visit now and buy your ticket here !

love way
  • logo_passeggiata
  • Regione Liguria
  • Comune di Riomaggiore
  • Parco Nazionale Cinque Terre
  • Costa edutainment